The Hawaiian Kahili

The Hawaiian Kahili

The Kahili represents a symbol of royalty during Hawaii's monarchy. Used to show lineage, status and family origins. Kahili's were normally made of wood or bone and dyed feathers. Also, they could come in many different sizes. You can see depictions of royalty surrounded by Kahili's and even holding smaller ones themselves. 

Today, Hawaiians no longer carry Kahili's around. You rarely see them unless you are looking for them. Iolani palace has a few setups in the King and Queens quarters. Even in the large throne room, two towering Kahili's are on both sides of the King's and Queens' chairs. Society has evolved and most people in the world do not carry around their family lineage on ancient heirlooms anymore. I do believe it is important to represent royalty nowadays, even if your bloodline isn't royalty. My belief is, now we all have a responsibility to represent that royalty, and carry knowledge to the future Hawaiian Kingdom.

KUA uses the Kahili crest on our clothing. The crest depicts the Kahili and two paddles crossing through it. Wearing this symbol shows the representation of Hawaiian royalty. The Hawaiian Kingdom still breathes within the Aina. 


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